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  • Writer's pictureShirley Turner

My NeighbOR - 1 Year Later

Updated: Apr 19, 2021

It has been one year since the governor's office mandated shutdowns, masks, and 'shelter-in-place'. Within 2 weeks, Every Child launched My NeighbOR across the state, choosing to run into the pandemic, not from it, to come alongside the foster community and help meet the very real needs they were facing. For one year, our community has cared for the needs of foster families, youth, and families across Oregon who struggled in this season.

More than 4,000 neighbors have helped across the state, donating everything from groceries to school supplies to furniture for families down the street or 50 miles away in all parts of our region. The Polk and Yamhill County communities have contributed close to $23,000 in in-kind donations, serving 150 families. That's amazing!

Today, My NeighbOR is the trusted source of real-time needs for vulnerable families in Oregon because of you! Thank you for responding with radical love and generosity.

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